Monday, August 4, 2008

The Ghetto Coup and Brotherly Love

This was the best toy we ever got to be honest. Terry garbage picked this beauty last spring right when Caleb turned 1 and it is well loved. Perhaps a little too loved at times. Caleb and Kendall do fight over this ferociously! This series of pictures show the two of them playing. Note how nice Caleb is being (note my sarcasm!) He really wanted to play with Kendall at first but then decided enough was enough. This earned him a long time out. I would like to point out that the last photo is where Caleb is shoving Kendall's head to the ground while she is already down! And yes, he new exactly what was going to happen when he opened the door. Actually they often play nicely and ride in the coup together which is an adorable sight!

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