Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bath Time

It has FINALLY happened! I honestly thought it would never happen at times to be honest... BOTH of my kids finally enjoy baths. Caleb has been a little fish (minus the swimming) from day 1. He splashed and enjoyed water. Kendall, on the other hand, hated her first bath and this has continued. She usually lets us know her displeasure by shreaking, crying, or once she was mobile trying to climb out of the tub. I don't know what I did or what happened. But, now Kendall is crying when anyone is in the tub/shower besides her. Overall, this is a great thing. Plus, now that Caleb and Kendall actually play with each other-well some of the time, they have a great time in the bath. Oh, and note the bubbles in the tub. Caleb's eczema is pretty much under control!!!

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