Wednesday, August 15, 2012

LeRoy Oaks

 We had a blast visiting LeRoy Oaks. I had never taken the free tours that they offer, and it was really great! First, we went through the old house. The kids loved it. We found out lots of interesting facts, like little boys used to wear dresses until they were 7 or 8. They also had lots of games and activities for the kids to do outside. Caleb and Kendall helped to water the flowers by the house.
Caleb brought the empty buckets over no problem. Once water was dded in, he just couldn't get it to balance right and walk with the water. It was pretty heavy! Kendall, on the other hand, had no problems with it. She walked the water all the way to the house, and watered the flowers with no complaints. She is one strong girl!

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