Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Healthy Days are Hear Again!

Here is a picture of our LAST sick day of November. Well, hopefully! Kendall is sitting at the doctor's office waiting to get her cough checked out. She brought her cow pillow pet with her. It was a just a cold and she is all better.
The following day at school, Kendall awoke wanting to be called Princess Kendall. She told Terry that she didn't have to listen to him, because Princesses do not have to listen to adults. She also decided that she needed to wear a tiara to school. (Or crown as she calls it.) What a ham!
I love the new hat that she picked out for this winter. Well, we actually chose 2, but this will be her main hat. She has been wearing it everywhere. Kendall hates the cold weather. In fact, she has told me that it is too cold to play outside. I think it is more that she hates to wear coats, socks, and shoes. We had quite a few time outs or loss of privileges at the beginning of November because she would strip all three items off each time she got in the car. It is so frustrating! I think she is finally retrained to keep them on. I think we are going to have a long winter if she thinks that an unseasonable warm November is cold. She must just be a southern girl at heart.

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