Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sept. 10, Civil War Reneactment

Okay, so I have a backlog of photos, so I am going to have multiple catch up posts today. So, bear with me! We felt our entire house shaking a few weekends ago. So, the kids and I decided to take a walk and investigate what was going on.
It was a pretty long walk for the Kendall, about a mile. But, we talked and played some games along the way. So, she did a great job. Caleb on the other hand, literally ran circles around us as we were walking. He was all smiles! He is going through a secret spy stage. So, the idea of going and investigating something really excited him.
We hit the playground at Langum park. We didn't stay too long. Kendall had fun on this bouncy toy. It is funny, she is probably getting to old for these types of toys, but she can now finally move them. So, she rides them every time she sees them.

We then went around to the bike trail and found the civil war actors. We figured out that it was a cannon that shook our house So, the kids waited patiently for the canon to go off. And it finally went off. Caleb jumped and looked so surprised. It was so loud, and you could feel the ground shake. Pretty exciting for a 5 year old!

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