Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Kendall!

I can't believe Kendall is 4. Time really does fly by. This year, Kendall decided that she wanted to celebrate her birthday at the Splash Park in Geneva. I was so thankful when there was a 0% chance of rain!
Rachael helped with the party. It was so nice to have her around. She went to pick up the cake with me, and kept an eye on the kids! I really appreciate all of her help.
Kendall wanted to have pizza and cake for the party. Caleb is such a little trooper with his allergies. He happily ate a happy meal instead of pizza. He also kept showing Grandma the cake. He raved on how pretty it was and how good it was going to taste, and told Grandma that she had to try a piece. So sweet, even though he couldn't eat it himself.
The kids had a blast playing on the playground and in the sprinkler park. There was lots of laughter and fun. Kendall really enjoyed opening up her presents, and loved every single one of them!
She chose a Little Mermaid Cake this year. She originally wanted the Target Barbie Cake that Kendall has to visit each time we go into Target. I was glad that we were able to find a great alternative. We got this one at Walmart, and it was really good. I was happily surprised!

It was a great day!

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