Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Morton Arboretum

We had a great day today! The kids started the morning with gymnastics. Caleb had a new coach working with him. He was very tough, but Caleb was so well behaved. It was exactly what he needed. He is really trying to do cartwheels now. He also did some flips over the bars. He was very proud of himself!
Next, we picked up Rachael for our weekly outing. This week we went to Morton Arboretum. We first drove around and looked at each part of the forest. Next, we found a picnic area and ate lunch. It was so pretty. Caleb thought he saw an eagle, so we walked a bit through a forest searching unsuccessfully for the eagle.
Next we went to the children's area. There is a great tadpole pool for the kids. They are able to search in knee deep water and search for tadpoles. Today the tadpoles were becoming frogs with legs, but they still had the tail.
The kids also were able to paint nature pictures. Kendall, missed the paper and painted herself instead. I am hoping it is washable paint!
It was scorching hot out there. While the kids were wading, Rachael and I tried to stay cool the best we could, but there were not too many shaded areas in the children's gardens. We soon headed out.
After the Arboretum, we decided to cool off by swimming. The kids swam for about 2 hours and had a blast. They fell asleep on the couch while Terry was cooking dinner and I was dropping Rachael back at home. Unfortunately, a 5:00 nap equated a 9:00 bedtime. So goes summer! Hopefully that means I get to sleep in tomorrow morning.

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